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SmartSign in the Press
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Can you sue if you get hit by a foul ball?

Can you sue if you get hit by a foul ball?

Foul balls in baseball, car crashes in NASCAR, rogue pucks in hockey: what do they all have in common?  They’re all hazards to spectators at sporting events.  For most businesses, known, dangerous conditions are the business’ responsibility.  But that’s not the case with sporting events, in general.  This rule comes from baseball. At the turn […]

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Designer Dogs at Play Signs Are Perfect Accessories for Pet Friendly Neighborhoods

Designer Dogs at Play Signs Are Perfect Accessories for Pet Friendly Neighborhoods

Dog runs and pet stores per block might be a selling point of your neighborhood but can you also boast of pet safety?   The biggest danger to a dog is traffic, especially for dogs with chasing instincts. This could put you, your dog, and the motorist in danger. A gate left open, a leash […]

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Can People See Your Shelter in Place Signs?

Can People See Your Shelter in Place Signs?

Where evacuation is risky—in events like chemical or radiological explosion, a gas line break, a leak from a nearby plant, terrorist threat—sheltering in place is the only recourse to defend yourself and those around you. The Red Cross, Center for Disease Prevention and Control, and many other organizations provide excellent tips to prepare for and […]

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April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month!

April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month!

Distracted driving is defined as any activity that can divert a person’s attention away from the primary task of driving. These distractions include text messaging, making phone calls, sending emails, eating or drinking, etc. Although these are activities that should be done on their own, many people find that they can multi-task while they are […]

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Trump administration overturns Obama’s transgender restroom rule

Trump administration overturns Obama’s transgender restroom rule

Effective February 22, the Trump administration has reversed the Obama administration’s protections for transgender students in public schools. Under Obama’s interpretation of the law known as Title IX, schools were required to permit transgender students to use sex-segregated facilities that corresponded to their gender identity, rather than their biological sex. This included school bathrooms and […]

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California’s Assembly Bill 1732 Transitions Single-User Restrooms To All-Gender Restrooms

California’s Assembly Bill 1732 Transitions Single-User Restrooms To All-Gender Restrooms

California has become the first state in the nation to adopt a new law that will require all single occupancy restrooms in any business establishment, place of public accommodation, or state or local government agency to be accessible to all genders. Starting on March 1, 2017, all establishments must have updated signage to reflect the […]

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How highways got their signs

How highways got their signs

We recently got an interesting inquiry from a customer asking, just how did street signs get that way?  Why are they shaped like they are? Well, it’s actually an interesting question!   At first, signage on streets and highways wasn’t standardized at all.  In the early 20th century, most long-distance travel was by rail or […]

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