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Tag: parking lot

Accident in Parking Lot – Who’s Liable?

Accident in Parking Lot – Who’s Liable?

There is a lot of legalese you see every day. For instance, if there’s a parking lot sign saying “Management is not responsible for damage to your car or its contents”– does it actually mean the management isn’t responsible? Do these signs actually establish legal obligations? Here’s the answer. Usually, parking lot owners aren’t responsible […]

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Parking lot in school playground kills activity space for children in Newark

Parking lot in school playground kills activity space for children in Newark

Besides providing a quality education, good schools are defined by good play spaces for their students. Parents, teachers, and community members of Newark, New Jersey, are up in arms about the Lafayette Street School’s take on a playground: a repurposed parking lot. The Ironbound grammar school adheres to a long-standing practice of children sharing their […]

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