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Tag: digital detox

SmartSign digital detoxes on National Day of Unplugging

SmartSign digital detoxes on National Day of Unplugging

We’re so glued to our gadgets, that the mere thought of being separated from them provokes anxiety and frustration. “Fashionably late” would no doubt morph into “helplessly late” without our smartphones showing us both the way and the time. However, tech habits can take a toll on our ability to have wholehearted, meaningful experiences. One solution that’s been […]

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3 ways to do a digital detox

3 ways to do a digital detox

According to Pew Research, nearly 30 percent of U.S. cell phone owners said they couldn’t live without a cell phone. Evidently, tech addiction is an issue of increasing importance in the U.S., and as people begin to recognize the severity of the issue, digital detoxes are gaining in popularity. See if you need a tech break […]

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How I learned to avoid digital distractions

How I learned to avoid digital distractions

There are a lot of merits to technology. The level of precision, the speed, and the ever-shrinking global atmosphere have created a network where idea exchange can flow faster than imagined thirty years ago. The rise of generations X and Y bring a new breed of socially inept, but technologically brilliant people into the working […]

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Say goodbye to technology at Digital Detox summer camp

Say goodbye to technology at Digital Detox summer camp

How about spending four days in a camp with strangers minus your cell phones, laptops, iPads, or any other gadget? Uh…okay. But how do I check-in? If your idea of connecting with people is only through the digital world and the thought of losing your smartphone sends shivers down your spine, you are a perfect […]

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