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Tag: texting and driving

April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month!

April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month!

Distracted driving is defined as any activity that can divert a person’s attention away from the primary task of driving. These distractions include text messaging, making phone calls, sending emails, eating or drinking, etc. Although these are activities that should be done on their own, many people find that they can multi-task while they are […]

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New Car Mode for iPhone will prevent texting and driving

New Car Mode for iPhone will prevent texting and driving

Before you leap into the future and let your car decide when you’re not paying attention on the road, give your Smartphone a chance to keep you focused now and eliminate texting and driving. Designers Joey Cofone and Michael Vanderbyl have created Car Mode, “an integrated setting in iOS 7 that turns off all visual […]

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Teens raise awareness about distracted driving, participate in 23-hour technology fast

Teens raise awareness about distracted driving, participate in 23-hour technology fast

We’ve often talked about people succumbing to digital distractions to the extent that they cannot let go of their mobile devices even in their sleep, let alone behind the wheel. But there’s group of kids out there who want to free themselves of the shackles of their cell phone chargers to become more responsible drivers. Sixty […]

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Need to overcome your cell phone addiction? There are apps for that

Need to overcome your cell phone addiction? There are apps for that

Our internet and cell phone addiction is fueled by our need to stay on top of current events. Ironically, more often than not, it causes us to lag behind in what’s going on around us. The cost of cell phone addiction in teens and adults In teens, this obsession can lead to behavioral problems, disrupted […]

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