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Tag: urban planning

UNESCO recognizes five cities for exceptional design

UNESCO recognizes five cities for exceptional design

The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has officially recognized five global cities for demonstrating exceptional contributions to design. The “City of Design” awards went to Dundee, Scotland; Turin, Italy; Bilbao, Spain; Helsinki, Finland; and Curitiba, Brazil. The announcement came on December 1st in Paris. The City of Design award is part of […]

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New mapping tool maps age of every building in Manhattan

New mapping tool maps age of every building in Manhattan

Map geeks and history buffs, rejoice! Ever wanted to know where to find the oldest buildings in Manhattan? Wondering when the building you’re living in was built? Now you can find out, thanks to the inventive folks at Morphocode. Morphocode is an architectural firm that works “at the intersection of design and technology.” They created […]

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In rapidly-growing cities, streets have no names

In rapidly-growing cities, streets have no names

It may come as a shock to learn that about 1.8 billion people in the world today don’t have an address. That’s not because they’re homeless, but because they live in rapidly growing cities where the streets were never named—cities like Sekondi-Takoradi, in Ghana, which is now working to change the situation. The city, which […]

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